Developing Curricula for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


DeCAIR University Team

University of Stuttgart (UST)

Visionary since 1829: The University of Stuttgart stands for exceptional, world-acclaimed research and first-class teaching in one of Europe’s most vibrant industrial areas. The university is a reliable employer, partner for technology transfer and focuses on interdisciplinary. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. It sees itself as a center of university-based, non-university, and industrial research. Furthermore, it takes a role as a guarantor of research-based teaching, focused on quality and holism. The „Stuttgarter Weg” (Stuttgart Way) means an interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level. Our vision is "Intelligent systems for a sustainable society".



Prof. Gaith Abanda

Project Coordinator

Developing Curricula for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

DISCLAIMER: This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.